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17-Year-Old Girl Becomes Youngest NASA Trainee!

July 11, 2018

17-Year-Old Girl Becomes Youngest NASA Trainee!

Alyssa Carson, a 17-year-old from Louisiana, is the youngest person ever to graduate from NASA's Advanced Space Academy. She has also become the first person in the world to have completed all three NASA Space Camps. Now NASA is training her to become one of the astronauts on the 2033 mission to Mars! Carson says, “The biggest [challenge] is time and getting everything done at such a young age while also still attending high school. Continuing to train at a young age will also be further difficulties for me but I have done great with it so far.” Despite the challenges with balancing school and work, Carson encourages others to “Always follow [their] dream.” Alyssa is certainly taking her own advice and continuing to the world with her talent and determination!

Written by Grace Kelman, Edited by Alexander Fleiss