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Digital Transformation of Businesses in COVID-19 times

October 20, 2020

Digital Transformation of Businesses in COVID-19 times

Digital transformation is now compulsory for businesses to ensure online contact with customers while social distancing has become the new normal. From eateries to local departmental stores, businesses are embracing digital solutions at a faster pace to stay viable and cost-efficient.

Organizations that were already using software solutions to run businesses are better off in the post COVID-19 world. However, other businesses are catching up at a faster pace to digitize the business process and bring in greater transparency and efficiency into business operations.

New Digital Strategy for the New Normal

Future digital transformation initiatives are focussed more on expansion and growth of businesses at a cost-efficient pace. Businesses are now looking for reliable digital assurance solutions for flawless implementation.

These objectives have become the core foundation of digital transformation for organizations seeking growth, accelerate demand, and chalk out an advanced strategy for future endeavors.

Here a few key points that we can take from digital transformation in COVID-19 times:

  • Maximize migration towards cloud-enabled technologies and software solutions

  • Develop a platform to work with existing players in the network

  • Leverage big data and analytics for data-driven business decisions

  • Apply digital solutions in the supply chain

  • Ensure digital marketing through multiple channels

Here are a few use cases of digital transformation happening in various industries.


Before COVID-19, the healthcare sector was using several technological solutions including wearable devices for telehealth, IoT devices, and integrated solutions to track and monitor patient health.

After COVID-19, paper-based procedures for patient admission and writing prescriptions have also become digital. Health professionals and labs are now using digital prescriptions and online reports that are stored in the cloud.

Online pharmacies have become popular as they ensure minimal human contact.

Distribution Channels

Businesses are now using technology as the focal point to develop their business processes. Organizations are now leveraging advanced distribution channels to optimize operation and achieve greater efficiency. Being digital channels, organizations are adopting digital transformation at a rapid pace.

Customer Demands

Majority of customers are now shopping on mobile apps and eCommerce channels for almost everything. Businesses without digital platforms now stand a chance to lose their majority of business to online retailers.

With latest customer demands, businesses are also tapping in to new opportunities while offering more customer-friendly solutions. Businesses have now become more responsive towards customer demands and offer contact through multiple touchpoints including social media, email, chat, phone, and more.

Digital Labor is the New Normal

Smart ecosystems, digital innovations, and emerging technologies are helping businesses to derive greater value from the operations. Enterprises are now more open to embrace latest tech solutions including bots and RPA to achieve greater accuracy, transparency, and efficiency.

Amid COVID-19, businesses are now more open to adopt digital technologies and reduce their dependence on the human workforce. Organizations are now more focussed to become future ready and adequately equipped to handle a crisis like COVID-19 in the future.

Mixed Work Environment

Normal 9 to 5 work culture is now a thing of the past. Work from home has become a norm for several businesses wherever it is feasible. Organizations are integrating their business processes with the right set of technologies, software, and tools to facilitate remote work efficiently.

Businesses are now also realizing the benefit of remote work as they are able to save up on real estate space rent, electricity bills, transportation, and other infrastructure costs.

Companies like Microsoft and Twitter have already allowed permanent work from home and more companies are expected to follow the trend in the coming future. Many organizations have also decided to reduce their work space by up to 50 percent and work with professionals remotely.

In Summary

With COVID-19 virus out there, one thing is certain that things will not come back to normal soon. Remote work and digital businesses are the new norm through which organizations will deliver products and services.

Written by Erna Clayton & Edited by Alexander Fleiss