10. Harry Shum
Harry Shum is executive vice president of Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Research group.is responsible for driving the company’s overall AI strategy and forward-looking research and development efforts spanning infrastructure, services, apps and agents. He oversees AI-focused product groups including Bing and Cortana. He also leads Microsoft Research, one of the world’s premier computer science research organizations, and its integration with the engineering teams across the company.
Previously, Dr. Shum served as the corporate vice president responsible for Bing search product development from 2007 to 2013. Prior to his engineering leadership role at Bing and online services, he oversaw the research activities at Microsoft Research Asia and the lab’s collaborations with universities in the Asia Pacific region, and was responsible for the Internet Services Research Center, an applied research organization dedicated to advanced technology investment in search and advertising at Microsoft.
Dr. Shum joined Microsoft Research in 1996 as a researcher based in Redmond, Washington. In 1998 he moved to Beijing as one of the founding members of Microsoft Research China (later renamed Microsoft Research Asia). There he began a nine-year tenure as a researcher, subsequently moving on to become research manager, assistant managing director and managing director of Microsoft Research Asia and a Distinguished Engineer.
Dr. Shum is an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Fellow for his contributions to computer vision and computer graphics. He received his Ph.D. in robotics from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. In 2017, he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering of the United States.
9. Fei-Fei Li
Fei-Fei Li
Although currently taking a sabbatical to work as chief of AI and ML at Google Cloud, Li is associate professor at Stanford University where she heads up the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab as director, as well as the Stanford Vision Lab. Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. I received my Ph.D. degree from California Institute of Technology, and a B.S. in Physics from Princeton University.
8.Geoffrey Hinton
Geoffrey Hinton works as an Engineering Fellow at Google and a professor at the University of Toronto’s. As far back as 1992 he was publishing papers on the use of artificial neural networks to simulate human processing of information in machines. Hinton initially trained in psychology before gaining his PhD in AI and applying his understanding of human cognitive processes to computers. You
7. Demis Hassabis
Demis Hassabis is a co-founder of Deep Mind, a UK AI startup acquired by Google in 2014. His work has focused on the development of artificial neural networks by combining machine learning with neuroscience. Deep Mind’s most publicized success so far has been its AlphaGo AI which last year became the first computer program to beat a professional human Go player. Before this breakthrough, even the best AIs were only capable of playing at the level of human amateurs and could be defeated by most people with practice.
6. Andrew Yan-Tak Ng
Andrew Yan-Tak Ng is a computer scientist and entrepreneur. He is one of the most influential minds in Ai and Deep Learning. Ng co-founded and led Google Brain and was a former VP & Chief Scientist at Baidu, building the company's Artificial Intelligence Group into several thousand people. He is an adjunct professor (formerly associate professor and Director of the AI Lab) at Stanford University. Ng is also an early pioneer in online learning - which led to the co-founding of Coursera.
5. Yann LeCunn
Yann LeCunn is director of AI research at Facebook since 2013, LeCunn has received recognition for pioneering work in the field of computer vision – teaching machines to “see” in the same way we do by recognizing objects and to go on to learn, by classifying them. He is also considered one of the founders of the convolutional neural network model which aims to create algorithms which ingest and interpret information in the same way as a biological organism like an eye or a brain. He is a founding director NYU Center for Data Science.
4. Oren Etzioni
Oren Etzioni is an American entrepreneur, professor of Computer Science, and CEO of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. One of the leading Ai think tanks on the planet. He is Chief Executive Officer of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. He has been a Professor at the University of Washington's Computer Science department since 1991, receiving several awards including Seattle's Geek of the Year (2013), the Robert Engelmore Memorial Award (2007), the IJCAI Distinguished Paper Award (2005), AAAI Fellow (2003), and a National Young Investigator Award (1993). He has been the founder or co-founder of several companies, including Farecast (sold to Microsoft in 2008) and Decide (sold to eBay in 2013). He has written commentary on AI for The New York Times, Nature, Wired, and the MIT Technology Review. He helped to pioneer meta-search (1994), online comparison shopping (1996), machine reading (2006), and Open Information Extraction (2007). He has authored over 100 technical papers that have garnered over 1,800 highly influential citations on Semantic Scholar. He received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in 1991 and his B.A. from Harvard in 1986.
3. Bryan Salesky
Bryan Salesky serves as Chief Executive Officer of Argo AI, LLC. Mr. Salesky incorporates promising robotics technology into products and systems that improves safety and productivity and enhances the people's lives. He served as Director of Hardware Development at Google, where he was responsible for development and manufacture of Google's portfolio of hardware, which included selfdriving sensors, computers and several vehicle development programs. He joined the Google self driving car team in 2011 to continue the push toward making selfdriving cars a reality. He was employed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). In 2007, he led software engineering for Tartan Racing, Carnegie Mellon's winning entry in the DARPA Urban Challenge. He managed a portfolio of the center's largest commercial programs that included autonomous mining trucks for Caterpillar at Carnegie Mellon University National Robotics Engineering Center. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2002.
2. Jeff Dean
Jeff Dean joined Google in mid-1999, and is currently the head of Artificial Intelligence. While at Google, he has designed and implemented large portions of the company's advertising, crawling, indexing and query serving systems, along with various pieces of the distributed computing infrastructure that sits underneath most of Google's products. At various times, he has also worked on improving search quality, statistical machine translation, and various internal software development tools and has had significant involvement in the engineering hiring process. After two years, as John Giannandrea steps down from his role as head of the search and AI, Dean takes over along with Ben Gomes splitting roles. Dean will be looking after the AI unit while Ben Gomes leads the development of search.[9]
The projects Dean has worked on include:
- Spanner, a scalable, multi-version, globally distributed, and synchronously replicated database
- Some of the production system design and statistical machine translation system for Google Translate
- Bigtable, a large-scale semi-structured storage system
- MapReduce, a system for large-scale data processing applications
- Google Brain, a system for large-scale artificial neural networks
- LevelDB, an open-source on-disk key-value store
- TensorFlow, an open-source machine-learning software librar
1. James Harris Simons
James Harris "Jim" Simons is an American mathematician, billionaire and philanthropist. In 1982 he founded Renaissance Technologies, a private hedge fund. Although Simons retired from the fund in 2009, he remains its non-executive chairman and adviser. He contributed to the development of string theory by providing a theoretical framework to combine geometry and topology with quantum field theory From 1968 to 1978, Simons was a mathematics professor and subsequent chair of the mathematics department at Stony Brook University. Some say he invented Deep Learning 20 years before it was first publicized.
As reported by Forbes, his net worth as of February 2018 is estimated to be $20 billion, while in the previous year, it was $15.5 billion.
Sources: Wikipedia, Bloomberg, Forbes, Stanford, Allen Institute
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