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Queens - A Technology Hub?

July 12, 2018

Queens - A Technology Hub?

Queens has far to go before it becomes a technology hub but it is surely on its way. In the past few years, multiple technology companies have been eyeing and opening offices in Queens. In 2016, coworking firm WeWork opened an office in Astoria, specifically targeting new consumers in the area.

WeWork offices in Astoria

Cornell Tech, located on Roosevelt Island, opened in 2017 and will host academic researchers with a purpose to educate students and bring ground breaking tech to the market faster.

Cornell Tech's Campus

In the near future, we can expect more companies to find their way into Queens as local officials have mapped out a plan called “Live, Work, Create: A Roadmap for Equitable Growth of the Western Queens Tech Ecosystem,” designed to attract more technology companies to the area, which should produce high-paying jobs & deliver economic growth.

Written by Albert Daniel Shub, Edited by Jack Vasquez & Alexander Fleiss