Wharton/Penn Professor & Microsoft Azure Chief Economist Dr Amit Gandhi on the future of Market Economics
- Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2007
- M.B.A., University of Chicago, 2007
- B.S., Mathematics, University of Michigan at Ann-Arbor, 1999
- Thesis Title: Identifying Risk Preferences using Betting Markets (Chair: Philip Reny)
- University of Pennsylvania
Professor, Department of Economics, Jan 2018-present - Microsoft Corporation
Economic Advisor, Jan 2018-present
Chief Economist Microsoft Cloud, Jan 2016- Jan 2018 - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Economics, 2013-present
Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics 2007- 2013 - Yale University
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Fall Semester 2010 - Northwestern University
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Winter Quarter 2011
- Industrial Organization
- Econometrics
Editorial Positions
- Management Science (Marketing Area), Associate Editor, June 2014-June 2017
- Journal of Business, Economics, and Statistics, Associate Editor, January 2014-June 2017
Honors and Grants
- 2016 Oliver E. Williamson Prize for best article in Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, April 2016
- National Science Foundation grant SES-1530788, “Measuring Substitution Patterns and Firm Conduct in Differentiated Product Industries” (with Jean-Francois Houde), 2015–2018
- Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth at Northwestern University School of Law, Distinguished Fellow, 2015-present
- Stuart W. McCroskey Fellow in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007-2009
- National Science Foundation grant SES-09022046, “Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Distributions of Unobserved Heterogeneity in Economic Choice Models using Mixtures” (with Jeremy Fox), 2009–2011.
Published and Forthcoming Papers
- “On the Identification of Production Functions: How Heterogeneous is Productivity” (with Salvador Navarro and David Rivers), Oct 2013, revise and resubmit (conditional accept) Journal of Political Economy
- “A Simple Test for Moment Inequality Models with an Application to English Auctions” (with Andres Aradillas-Lopez and Daniel Quint), Forthcoming Journal of Econometrics
- “Robust Inference of Strategic Interactions in Static Games” (with Andres Aradillas-Lopez), Forthcoming Quantitative Economics
- “Negative Advertising and Political Competition” (with Daniela Iorio and Carly Urban), Forthcoming Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (2016 Oliver E. Williamson Prize for
best article) - “Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Random Coefficients in Multinomial Choice Models” (with Jeremy Fox), RAND Journal of Economics, Spring 2016, 47(1), 118-139
- “Does Belief Heterogeneity Explain Asset Prices” (with Ricardo Serrano-Padial), Review of Economic Studies, January 2015, 82(1), 156-186
- “Connected Substitutes and the Invertibility of Demand” (with Steven Berry and Phil Haile), Econometrica, September 2013, 81(5), 2087-2111*
- “Identification and Inference in Ascending Auctions with Correlated Private Values” (with Andres Aradillas-Lopez and Daniel Quint), Econometrica, March 2013, 81(2), 489-534*
- “Identifying Preferences Under Risk from Discrete Choices” (with Pierre Andre Chiappori, Bernard Salanie, and Francois Salanie), American Economic Review (P&P), 2008, 98, 146-150
- “Post-Merger Product Repositioning” (with Luke Froeb, Steven Tschantz, and Greg Werden), Journal of Industrial Economics, March 2008, Volume 56 (1), 49-67*
Submitted Working Papers
- “From Aggregate Betting Data to Individual Risk Preferences” (with Pierre Andre Chiappori, Bernard Salanie, and Francois Salanie), October 2012, revise and resubmit Econometrica “Identification and Estimation in Discrete Choice Demand Models when Endogenous Variables Interact with the Error” (with Kyoo-il Kim and Amil Petrin), Oct 2012, revise and resubmit Econometrica Working Papers
- “Estimating Demand for Differentiated Products with Zeores in Market Shares” (with Xiaoxia Shi
and Zhentong Lu), March 2018 - Identifying Firm Level Markup Heterogeneity with Production Data (with Zach Flynn), March 2018
- “Estimating Belief Uncertainty with Option Prices” (with Ricardo-Serrano Padial) (Jan 2018)
- “Measuring Substitution Patterns in Product Differentiated Industries” (with Jean-Francois Houde), Jan 2016
- “Identifying Demand with Multidimensional Unobservables: A Random Functions Approach (with Jeremy Fox), October 2011
- “The Stochastic Response Dynamic: Computing Nash Equilibrium using MCMC”, 2006, (permanent working paper)
Seminar Presentations
- (2006-2007) University of Chicago, UCLA, Yale, Boston University, University of Southern California, University of Virginia, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), Georgetown, University
of Wisconsin-Madison - (2007-2008) Columbia University
- (2008-2009) New York University (Economics Dept), University College London, Toulouse School of Economics, University of Minnesota
- (2009-1010) University of Michigan, MIT, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Duke, University of Chicago
- (2010-2011) Harvard Econometrics workshop, UCL, Yale, Northwestern
- (2011-2012) Chicago Booth, Carnegie Mellon, NYU-Stern, Caltech, UCLA, LSE
- (2012-2013) Princeton, Michigan, UVA, FTC
- (2013-2014) Toulouse University, Mannheim University, University of Zurich, Vanderbilt University, Pennsylvania State University, Harvard/MIT IO, University of Chicago
- (2014-2015) Johns Hopins, Washington University Olin School, Texas A&M, Rice, Wharton, Yale, Illinois
- (2015-2016) Harvard/MIT IO, Stanford GSB, The Ohio State University, Georgetown, Toronto, Indiana, Boston College
Selected Conference Presentations
- NSF/CEME Decentralization Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2008
- World Congress on Economic Accounts and Economic Performance Measures, Washington DC, May 2008
- Cowles Foundation Conference on Identification of Economic Models, Yale University, June 2008
- Cowles Foundation Conference on Structural Microeconomics, Yale University, June 2008
- 2nd Annual “Center on Auctions, Procurement, and Competition Policy” Conference, Penn State, March 2009
- Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics (SITE), Stanford University, June 2009
- Cowles Foundation Conference on Nonseparable Models with Endogeneity, Yale University, June 2010
- Cowles Foundation Conference on Structural Microeconomics, Yale University, June 2010
- Econometrics of Demand Conference, MIT, May 2011
- Cowles Foundation Conference on Econometric Models of Strategic Interaction, Yale University, June 2011
- Consumer Behavior and Welfare Measurement, Institute of Fiscal Studies, University College London, December 2011
- 2nd Workshop on Structural Approaches to Productivity and Industry Dynamics, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance – Rome, Italy, April 2012
- Cowles Foundation Conference on Structural Empirical Microeconomic Models, Yale University, June 2012
- 1st Annual Hal White Antitrust Conference, Bates-White, Washington DC, June 2013
- 4th Annual Conference on Internet Search and Innovation, Northwestern University, June 2013
- Mini-Course on “Recent Developments in Industrial Organization” (3 Lectures), KU Leuven, (being scheduled)
- Invited Session on Empirical Analysis of Auctions for Asian Econometric Society Meetings,
- National University of Singapore, August 2013
- Econometrics of Demand Conference, Boston College, December 2013
- Organized session at 2014 Econometric Society Winter Meetings, “Identification and Estimation of Models of Nonseparable Models with Endogeneity”, Philadelphia, PA.
- Invited Paper at 2014 Econometric Society Summer Meetings, Minneapolis, MN
- Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, Applied IO Session, Barcelona, Spain, June 2014
- Econometric Society Winter Meetings, “High Dimensional Inference in Demand” session, Boston, MA, January 2015.
- Hal White Antitrust Conference, Bates-White, Washington DC, June 2015
- Cowles Foundation Conference on Heterogenous Agents and Econometrics, Yale University, June 2015
- Principles of Microeconomics (undergraduate)
- Behavioral Economics (undergraduate)
- Empirical Industrial Organization (Graduate)
Student Advising
- Zach Flynn, PhD 2017, placement: Amazon
- Wilson Law, PhD 2016, placement: Baylor University
- Andrea Guglielmo, PhD. 2016, placement: Analysis Group
- Nathan Marwell, PhD. 2016, placement: Uber
- Zhentong Lu (main advisor), PhD. 2015, current placement: Dept. of Economics, SUFE
- Jing Tao, PhD 2015, current placement: Dept. of Economics, University of Washington
- Serafin Grundl, PhD. 2014, current placement: Federal Reserve Board
- Yu Zhu, PhD 2014, current placement: Bank of Candada
- Pedro Hancevic (main advisor), PhD. 2014, current placement: Dept. of Economics, Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (CIDE)
- Peter Newberry PhD. 2012, current placement: Dept. of Economics, Pennsylvania State University
- Yuya Takahashi PhD. 2010, current placement: Dept. of Economics, Johns Hopkins University
- David Rivers (co-main advisor), PhD. 2010, current placement: Dept. of Economics, University of Western-Ontario
- Masson C. Li, PhD. 2009, first placement: Bates-White Consulting
- James Cozart, B.S. 2013, post-graduate placement: Research Assistant for John List, University of Chicago
- Colin Watson, B.S. 2012, post-graduate placement: Dept. of Economics, University of Michigan PhD program
- Dan Zou, B.S. 2009, post-graduate placement: Marketing Department, Booth School of Business PhD program
Professional Service
- Program Committee, 2013 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society
- Refereeing for Journals: Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies,
American Economic Review, RAND Journal of Economics, Journal of Econometrics, Quantiative
Economics, AEJ Journal: Microeconomics Journal, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of
Business Economics and Statistics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, International Economic
Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Journal, Economic Letters, B.E. Journal of
Economics. National Science Foundation - Department and University Service (all for University of Wisconsin-Madison) Excutive Committee (2013-present), Junior Faculty Recruiting (2007-2008, 2015-2016), Library Representative (2007-2010), Faculty Senator-Alternative (2007-2009), Graduate Admissions and Aid (2009-2013)