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Ai in Florida

July 10, 2018

Ai in Florida

The majority of artificial intelligence applications in Florida lie in the South, near Miami, as well as in the Southwest, towards Tampa. One of the most noteworthy fields Ai is transforming is Law firms. Law firms all over the state of Florida are beginning to incorporate artificial intelligence into daily business practices in order to expedite tedious work. For example, using speech recognition software, legal documents that used to take hours to complete are now finished in minutes, freeing up time for lawyers to work more closely with clients.

Another noteworthy company based out of Miami that utilizes artificial intelligence is Chirrp. Chirrp is essentially the big brother of Siri, using more advanced learning software and scanning a larger, more specific data pool.

Last but not least, Ai is being used in Florida’s booming real estate industry to connect buyers and sellers. Firms are also taking advantage of Ai algorithms and big data analysis to help clients make smarter real estate investments.

Written by Victor Sinopoli, Edited by Rachel Weissman & Alexander Fleiss
